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Conference on ” Discrimination and Inequality in Women’s Representation.”

"Baku/10/27/22/Turan: During a public discussion on "Discrimination and Inequality inWomen's Representation" held by the "Article 54" Public Union on October 26, it...

“Public Discussion Held on October 31st Regarding New Draft Law “On PoliticalParties”

The event, jointly organized by the "Article 54" Public Union and, sawparticipation from a diverse spectrum of attendees including representatives from...

Training for local women activists

Article 54 Public Union arranged a skill-enhancement workshop on December 18, 2022,targeting 7 community-based women activists from Goychay, Ganja, Astara, and Sheki.These...

“Article 54 Public Union Organizes Conference on Women’s Participation in Public Life”

On December 17, 2022, Article 54 Public Union organized a conference focusing on"Women's Engagement in Public Life." At the conference, active women...

Summary | Public participation: Institutional environment and present practices

On February 19, 2023, the fourth round table discussion was held within the framework of"Agora Conversations". Experienced civil society activists Abulfaz Gurbanli,...

“Focus Group Discussion on Enhancing Citizen Participation in Addressing Environmental Issues”

On March 31, Article 54 organized a focus group discussion centered on the theme of"Enhancing Citizen Participation in Addressing Environmental Issues." This...

“Second Focus Group Discussion on Enhancing Citizen Participation in Addressing Environmental Problems”

Article 54 Public Union organized a follow-up focus group discussion on May 6 at theParticipation House, focusing on "Enhancing Citizen Engagement in...

“Round Table Event: Ensuring Participation in Addressing Water Scarcity -Safeguarding the Right to Water...

On June 16, a round table event titled "Ensuring Participation in Addressing WaterScarcity - Safeguarding the Right to Water in Azerbaijan" took...

“Community Building” Conference

On July 11, the first "Community Building" conference was hosted in Baku by Article 54PU as part of the "Strengthening Citizen Participation...