Who are we?

Article 54 Public Union is an independent civil society organization founded in 2021 by a group of civil society activists. The main activities of the organization, which takes its name from Article 54 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, are to encourage active participation of citizens in public life and to strengthen public control in the field of decision-making.

Our mission is based on the belief that democratic values and social justice depend on active participation and robust public supervision. We aspire citizens’ opinions to be taken into account in the solution of every issue that concerns citizens and to create a favorable environment for citizen participation in the decision-making process.

As Article 54, we recognize community building as a key tool for realizing this mission. We strongly believe that by developing and connecting communities, we can create a strong, collective voice that influences decision-makers, advocates for transparency, and ensures that the public’s interests are at the forefront of every decision. In this sense, we have summarized our vision of the future as “a community where everyone decides to participate”.

Our path is marked by openness, equality, inclusiveness, transparency and commitment to democratic principles. Together we can build a resilient and active community where every voice counts. Join our mission to empower citizens in the life of the state and society and strengthen public influence in the decision-making process. We will go through the changes together!