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Strengthening community participation in water management

Article 54 has organized a public discussion labelled as "Strengthening community participation in water management". The main topic on...

Article 54’s new advocacy campaign addresses water issues in the country

Water problems continue to become an issue of increasing concern to citizens, mainly in the regions. More specifically, this includes water scarcity,...

The Community Academy launched the “Community Leadership Program”!

Within the framework of this program, our team is looking for new community leaders in Bilasuvar, Mingachevir and Zagatala regions.

“Article 54 Public Union Empowers Local Communities”

Article 54 Public Union is taking steps to strengthen local communities and boost citizen participation in local governance.The project's main goal is...

Azerbaijan has been permanently suspended from the Open Government Partnership

Azerbaijan has been permanently suspended from the Open Government Partnership. Why is this news important? What...

Conclusion of  Article 54’s ‘Participate for a Better Environment’ Public Advocacy Activity

The "Participate for a Better Environment" public advocacy campaign by Article 54 aimed to enhance participation in addressing environmental concerns and decision-making....

Public advocacy campaigns of 7 community-based organizations

The Goychay Community Development Center initiated the establishment of four new neighborhood communities through public advocacy campaigns. These campaigns also focused on...

On June 21, members of civil society of Azerbaijan issued a statement condemning forceful...

The statement, which was signed by more than 50 activists, journalists, human rights defenders and organizations, states that the problems of the...

“Environmental policy and decision-making”

Public participation in environmental issues is important for fair and inclusive decision-making. Therefore, we are initiating a public advocacy campaign on the...

“Community Building” Conference

On July 11, the first "Community Building" conference was hosted in Baku by Article 54PU as part of the "Strengthening Citizen Participation...