Article 54 Public Union is taking steps to strengthen local communities and boost citizen participation in local governance.The project’s main goal is to enhance local community organizations and increase citizens’ roles in making decisions at the local level.
As part of this effort, Article 54 is collaborating with various local community organizations, including the Ganja Regional Community Center, Goychay Community Development Center, Sheki Community Development Center, Chinarli Social Development and Charity Union, and Kurdamir Mugan Community Center.
Each of these community organizations is running public advocacy campaigns on important local issues. For example, they are addressing concerns like improving street lighting in Ganja, restoring the Gurjana river’s retaining walls in Sheki city, building parking lots in Chinarli settlement of Shamkir district, managing household waste in Goychay city, and constructing a school and a bridge in Chol Gubali village of Kurdemir.